Archive for November, 2007

Thank You, Good Night.

November 28, 2007

I’ve decided that I need to let this one go. I haven’t been able to regularly update the site in the past year and if things continue on the path they’re on, it will get more and more difficult to get back here with any regularity. It’s rude to have people keep checking back for changes that aren’t going to be made. Free up a spot on your feed-reader!

The site is really a victim of it’s most famous post, and that’s fine. It has catapulted me into a world I never had any inclination of getting into, and I’m so glad it did.

It’s nice not having to pay more than $8 a year for a domain name. It will allow me to leave the site up as it is for the foreseeable future. It stands as a personal diary of sorts (which I refer back to frequently), and many, many, many people link to a number of the posts.

I still live a big chunk of my life on the web, so I updated the list of places you’ll still find me or be able to contact me on the top right side of the site.

Thanks for your views and comments over the past nearly eight years. I had fun and learned quite a bit.

– Ira [11/28/2007]